Monday 7 July 2014

Alternative Lyrics to Well Known Songs 26 - The Uncertainty Swamp

Confidence is something that every man needs.  Without it he is un-confident, anxious, un-certain.  Without it he seeks to gain confidence from others: other people, other beliefs, other things: which is not good (because it leads to deference to others in all aspects of life).  With confidence he can stand on his own two feet, stand around while the world is disintegrating around him and not be affected by it.  His confidence allows him to do his Will regardless of what the situation or other people think of him.  He can also provide confidence and certainty to others merely by being (his confidence is perceived by others, even in mundane situations like walking down the street).  They will take that feeling of confidence and then utilise it in many different areas of their life, thus causing a positive cascade effect on many other people and the culture itself.  The confident man will be able to stride forward into the world and shape it, impact on it, as much as he likes.  He will be able to do Good to the world simply because he has confidence.

Moving on to the song itself and the lyrics, the 'Uncertainty Swamp' mentioned is a metaphor for an ambivalent, indecisive, ambiguous, un-clear, ill-defined character (all traits of someone who lacks decisiveness & confidence, who are quite often women).  A swamp is both liquid and solid, has both water and earth.  It has trees and fish.  It is neither a lake nor a field.  It is both.  So it could be said to be indecisive inasmuch as it can't decide whether to be a solid field or a liquid lake.  It's both left-wing and right-wing, but also neither.  It's both a monarchist and a republican, but also neither.  It's both a deist, and an atheist, but also neither.  It is something and nothing.  It is of no defined character.  This absence of definition is what makes people un-certain, and un-confident.

Certainty provides confidence.  If you were going to cycle along a path you would need to know for certain that the road you were cycling along was going to remain a road and not change into a muddy quagmire, or even something so bizarre as a pool of toffee.  If that road was in-decisive and constantly changed it's mind about it's own nature then cyclists wouldn't have the confidence to go out for a simple bike ride because they wouldn't know whether the road was indeed going to remain a road or not.  Now extrapolate this simple scenario to different areas of human existence (manufacturing, inter-personal relationships, farming etc) and you begin to see how destructive a lack of confidence, of certainty, can be to human beings and their society.

A man can gain confidence in himself by choosing a particular path and sticking with it.  What that path is, what his character is (e.g. be him right-wing or left-wing, monarchist or republican, atheist or deist) is of secondary importance to him deciding to choose it.  The path itself is secondary to his decision to choose a particular path and stick with it, to pick a tree and live it, to pick a mountain and climb it regardless of the rocks and other violence that is inflicted upon him, to pick your cross.  Be confident with it, with your choice.  Confidence breeds decisiveness.  Decisiveness breeds confidence.

Play the song in the video above, and sing along with the alternative lyrics given below.

# The Uncertainty Swamp #
You heard the news lately,
about the Swampy Disease?
Yeah, it replaces your confidence.
with the Swamp mentality. 
Oh yeah.
It takes your Love.
and then replaces it with Swamp.
That murky Swamp.
The Uncertainty Swamp.
Yeah the swamp.
You know that fire within,
that let you do anything.
It get's extinguished by filthy thing,
that Disease known as Swamp. 
The Swamp.
It takes your Love.
and then replaces it with Swamp.
That murky Swamp.
The Uncertainty Swamp. 
The Swamp. 
The Swamp. 
The Swamp.
The Swamp.

It takes your Love.
and then replaces it with Swamp.
That murky Swamp.
The Uncertainty Swamp.
The Swamp.
I've been to the abyss.
I stood there and looked 'round.
It's terrifying & cold down there
but at least it has some form.
Any kind of form is better.
Form it gives you certainty.
Any kind of certainty
is better than no certainty.
Swamp takes your Love.
and then replaces it with Swamp.
That murky swamp.
The Uncertainty Swamp.
The Swamp.
The Swamp.
It takes your Love.
That murky Swamp.
It takes your Love.
That murky Swamp.
Too bad.
Too bad.
Hey hey hey.
Hey hey hey.
Hey hey hey.
Hey hey hey.
Hey hey hey.
Hey hey hey.
Hey hey hey.
Hey hey hey.
[End of lyrics.]

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